About the Authors

Greek Women: Sarah-Ruth is majoring in Arts & Letters at Portland State University.  She specializes in theatre & creative writing.  She thinks the chitons are really cool and is intrigued by deathly fashion.

Greek Men: Laura Sapp is majoring in Speech and Hearing Sciences at Portland State University. She specializing in speech pathology in children. She also enjoys history in all fashions. She hopes you will learn about Hoplite warfare in the Greek world. 

Roman Women: Rachel is a Business student at Portland State University. She keeps bees and loves Roman history. She really enjoyed researching the garments of Roman Women for this project.

Roman Men: Stephanie is a theatre arts student at PSU and a visual artist.  She lives in a house with a garden, two cats, a dog, and a boy.  She hopes you learn something about Roman dress from this blog.

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